DMDE 4.2 - DM Disk Editor and Data Recovery Software Copyright (C) 2005-2024 Dmitry Sidorov END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT This End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between the end user and the SOFTWARE author Dmitry Sidorov. By using the SOFTWARE you agree to all terms of the EULA. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE 1.0. EDITION, LICENSE COPIES, AND RIGHTS The scope of granted rights depends on the EDITION (license type), number of supported OS families, and the number of LICENSE COPIES. In the "About" box (SOFTWARE "Help" menu) you can view the EDITION, number of COPIES and license expiration date. If the number of COPIES is not specified, you are granted one (1) license. If no expiration date is specified, then there is no time limit. 1.1. FREE EDITION For FREE EDITION only the paragraphs 1.1, 5, and 6 are applied. You may use the FREE EDITION for non-commercial purposes, including charitable organizations, for educational purposes in educational institutions, and for evaluation. In the FREE EDITION, you can recover up to 4000 files per request from the file panel (from the selected directory without processing nested directories). You may reproduce and distribute FREE EDITION copies only under the following set of conditions: the SOFTWARE is obtained directly from the SOFTWARE author or from the SOFTWARE websites; keys and other components of other EDITIONS are not transferred; the composition and components of the SOFTWARE are not modified (except for reversible transcoding); the SOFTWARE origin, authorship, terms of this EULA are available to the end user explicitly. FREE EDITION copies may be included in free and paid packages. 1.2.1. EDITIONS "EXPRESS" AND "PERSONAL": PERSONAL USE ONLY With EDITIONS "EXPRESS" and "PERSONAL", you may use the SOFTWARE for personal non-commercial purposes only. The usage in organizations and any direct or indirect benefit are prohibited. 1.2.2. "STANDARD" EDITION: USE FOR OWN NEEDS ONLY With the "STANDARD" EDITION, you may use the SOFTWARE as a person or organization for own needs only. Organizations, employees or other persons providing data recovery services may not use the SOFTWARE. 1.2.3. "PROFESSIONAL" EDITION: COMMERCIAL USE AND PAID SERVICES With the "PROFESSIONAL" EDITION, you may use the functionality of the SOFTWARE for both non-commercial and commercial purposes and provide data recovery services. 1.3. RIGHTS TO RUN AND STORE SOFTWARE COPIES You may RUN as many SOFTWARE COPIES (have as many unfinished processes) as the number of LICENSE COPIES you are granted. Including backups, you may create and store two (2) more copies of the SOFTWARE than the number of LICENSE COPIES. For storage purposes, a single copy may include multiple different versions of the SOFTWARE in a single data store. 2. ACTIVATION Activation unlocks the full functionality of the SOFTWARE. During activation, a non-unique code identifying the hardware or portable device is sent to the SOFTWARE activation sites to obtain an activation code. With a license for one OS family ("1-OS"), you can only activate SOFTWARE versions designed for the same OS family that was chosen during the first activation. The "Multi-OS" license allows you to activate SOFTWARE versions for different OS families. If the license expires, you may continue to RUN the SOFTWARE on the same environment in which it was activated, but neither support, nor reactivation, nor functionality guarantees will be granted anymore. 2.1. STATIONARY ACTIVATION binds the RUN of a SOFTWARE COPY to a specific computer hardware configuration. Activation may be declined if you change more than three (3) associated hardware configurations per year per LICENSE COPY. The CPU or motherboard change, the use of additional virtualization imply the change of hardware. This does not count other environment changes that may also require reactivation of the SOFTWARE. 2.2. PORTABLE ACTIVATION (granted only for "PROFESSIONAL" EDITION) binds the RUN of a SOFTWARE COPY to the connected portable device. It is designed to RUN a SOFTWARE COPY on different computers by connecting the associated portable device. Activation may be declined if you bind a LICENSE COPY to more than three (3) devices per year. 2.3. ONE-TIME ACTIVATION (granted only for "PROFESSIONAL" EDITION), using one-time passwords, allows you to additionally RUN a SOFTWARE COPY up to five (5) times a month on different computers. 3. SOFTWARE UPDATES If support for a SOFTWARE version ends, you may use the next available version, and the new agreement supersedes the previous one only in clauses that clarify the terms and expand your rights. In other cases, updates may only be used under the terms of the new license agreement. You may use previous available SOFTWARE versions under the terms of this EULA too. However, the identification of the hardware may be different and will entail additional restrictions on the number of hardware changes in accordance with paragraph 2. 4. SOFTWARE UPGRADES Upgrade is a change of a complete set, the number of license copies, or the EDITION. To apply the SOFTWARE upgrade, you must first have a license that is eligible for the upgrade. Upon the upgrade, the new agreement supersedes the previous one, and you may no longer use keys and other components provided under the previous license. 5. DESCRIPTION OF OTHER RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS You may not use the SOFTWARE otherwise than expressly provided by law, this EULA, and additional agreements with the SOFTWARE author. This EULA does not grant you rights to create derivative work, to reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise study the SOFTWARE code, nor to sell, rent, lease or sublicense the SOFTWARE. 6. LIMITED WARRANTY THE AUTHOR OF THE SOFTWARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE. THE SOFTWARE AND ANY RELATED DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE REMAINS WITH YOU. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OF THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY DATA LOSS OR DISTORTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, PERSONAL INJURY, LOSS OF PRIVACY OR OTHER PECUNIARY OR OTHER LOSS WHATSOEVER), EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.