DMDE Clients
Поддубный Виталий Алексеевич: DMDE is the best data recovery software for its price. It does an excellent job even with difficult cases, it has repeatedly saved data for me and my clients! Similar programs with the same functionality cost from 500 dollars and more! I've been using this program alone for over 12 years, and I don't even need any others. And the terms of use for remote data recovery offered by the author are no longer available to anyone! Many thanks to the author and wishes for further development of the project!
Sensible Industries, LLC: We're proud to offer data recovery services.
Hawk Informática: Data recover for HDDs and usb disks. 25yrs experience
Fredy Yannick Lylian MINIMONAME BIBI: Mon entreprise est encore nouvelle, je recherchais l'outil logiciel avec lequel je devrais lancer l'entreprise, ce n'était pas facile, mais j'ai reçu la bonne inspiration de choisir DMDE, j'aime ce logiciel pour son interface professionnel et la multitude des options très puissante qu'il a, sa rapidité de scanner et trouver les lecteurs logique, sans oublier son prix qui est abordable, merci à l'ingénieur, au créateur de ce logiciel, je compte même prendre après la version multi os. My business is still new, I was looking for the software tool with which I should start the business, it was not easy, but I got the right inspiration to choose DMDE, I like this software for its professional interface and the multitude of very powerful options that it has, its speed to scan and find logical drives, not to mention its affordable price, thank you to the engineer, to the creator of this software, I even intend to take then the multi os version.
Help With Solutions: As a small computer repair business in Gordonvale Far North Queensland, I had been using ddrescue and autopsy for years, but as I started getting more data recovery jobs, moving to DMDE and hddsuperclone has saved me a lot of time and gives a better chance of preserving directory structures. Well worth it, and even more so if you are primarily linux based!
Serwis Otako - Odzyskiwanie danych: DMDE to zdecydowanie najlepsze oprogramowanie do odzyskiwania danych w przypadkach logicznych. Świetne wsparcie, intuicyjny i wszechstronny interfejs pozwala na wiele zastosowań w codziennej pracy laboratorium. To wszystko za ułamek ceny w porównaniu do konkurencji. Do tego autor wciąż rozwija i ulepsza kolejne wersje. Zdecydowanie polecam. DMDE is the best software for data recovery in logical cases. Great support for any fs, intuitive and versatile interface allow for many applications in everyday laboratory work. All this at a fraction of the price compared to the competition. In addition, the author is still developing and improving new versions. You cannot go wrong with DMDE.
Elektrosone: I use DMDE for backups and general data recovery under WindowsPE
Megaserwis S.C.: We provide data recovery from meny years. DMDE is the best software that we use in this price. Good job
RAbit Robert Rudaś Spółka Jawna: Smartphone and computer service Serwis komputerów i smartfonów. We use DMDE to restore clients data. We chose DMDE because it has a very good price / performance ratio Używamy DMDE to odzyskiwania danych klientów. Wybraliśmy go bo ma doskonały stosunek ceny do możliwości
VIJIMON CN: Great Software for recovering lost files from Hard drives.Thanks to its developers.Very low pricing but a Priceless purchase.
Databack (ООО "Центр Цифровых Технологий"): Our company provides data recovery from damaged hard drives. As professional instrument we do use PC-3000 Express and DMDE for cases, when there are severe damages in meta data of file system. With these hardware and software products we can achieve best results in data recovery and successfully close cases.
Entech Electronics: DMDE will recover files often where other products fail.
HOPE International School: Thanks so much for the super product.
Lviv Data Recovery: Data recovery center in Lviv Recovering data from HDD Recover data from SS DData Recovery from RAID arrays Recover data from memory cards Recovering data from flash drives...
Serwis komputerów & laptopów: Dzięki DMDE odzyskaliśmy dane dla wielu naszych klientów. DMDE jest programem naprawdę godnym polecenia. Działa bez zarzutu! / Thanks DMDE recovered data for many of our clients. DMDE program is really worth recommending. It works flawlessly! POGOTOWIE KOMPUTEROWE WARSZAWA
Beijing.Shinobiyan.DR.Tech.Ltd: Excellent Soft! But upgrade so slowly
ITedane: Profilaktyka jest lepsza niż odzysk, niemniej w przypadkach krytycznych DMDE nigdy nie zawiodło (w warstwie logicznej) :)
MiP Data Recovery Sp. z o.o.: Jedno z najlepszych oprogramowań do pracy z datarecovery.
kiran joshi: We are into Data Recovery for Last 15 years & have virtually tested all commercial tools. However DMDE is the BEST among all.With every feature a Data Recovery technician needs ,from cloning ,Raid Recover ,disk eraser etc ,DMDE is the ultimate tool we have ever used. DMDE is backed by excellent post sale support in industry. I am very much satisfied with DMDE and will definately suggest to include in serious Data Recovery work. We wish Dmitry & DMDE team all the Best. Warm Regards Kiran Joshi
Śląskie Pogotowie Komputerowe Robert Burska: This is a high quality software. I would recommend it to any person / company that has to deal with software data recovery. Some nice features in new version. I hope it's developement will be maintained. As mentioned by "Krzysztof" badsector list that can be further preloded would be a very nice feature. I would also like to thank Dimitri for answering tech and license question via email.