AMAZING product...saved my life. This product recovered all my files. Remember to purchase the full and paid version, you will be able to recover entire folders...
I love this product. Its small but powerful and fast. Recovering my data from my external hard drive was so simple using DMDE. Other products require full scans which take anything from 3-6 hours, this product finds the directory structure straight away and I can start file recovery almost instantly.
My philosophy in life....'Keep it simple'. Exactly what DMDE does for me....Nice one.
Serdecznie dziękujemy! Program jest rewelacyjny. W ciągu kilku dni ogarniałem temat odzysku i próbowałem różnych programów. Przypadkiem trafiłem na recenzję DMDE, ściągnąłem wersję free i już wiedziałem, że to to! Właśnie odzyskuję wszystkie zdjęcia, filmy nawet okazało się, że ważne dokumenty oraz kilka prac. POLECĘ WSZYSTKIM W POTRZEBIE! Gdybym odzyskał dane innym program to odtworzenie struktury katalogów i podkatalogów byłoby bardzo pracochłonne. Myślę, że zajęłoby to kilka tygodni przebierania zdjęć i prac.
Best recovery software I ever lay my fingers on. Especially i admire the way it handles mft records. Automatically resolve file record, atrib list, VCNs and give you directly access to files data, simple and perfect way ;)
The best disk editor, i will sourly by home version for linux and windows!
Whoa... was looking for an app like the 'old' DOS version of Peter Norton's Disk Doctor, and found this WONDERFUL package. Great and powerful tool.
I am trying to debug a laptop load's boot record that functions one way with the bios set to ATA for an Intel ICH8 and another if the bios is set to AHCI.
Fun stuff. :-)
Thanks for making it available to the geeks out here.
Well. DMDE is a powerful disk editor utility that I will recommend. It helps me to recover files that has wrong starting cluster number. Very powerful indeed. I write to their designer with my idea and I hope a more powerful command line utility will be developed soon.
AWESOME !!!!! I tried everything, lots of data recovery programs, some big names, took a couple of hours to find the files and when it restored not everything was readable, this PROGRAM ROCKS, found the files within 1 minute!!! and perfectly recovered the files, life saver. I had a drive that had lost its fat tables the PC could see the drive and recognise the size of the drive and assigned a letter but you could not change to it, just hung, hd light would just blink, this software found the files within a minute and then reovered 500mb in about 8 hours, believe me this is fantastic. The other drive I accidentily deleted the files and again it found all the files within a minute and presented in a tree structure for me to tick what I wanted, couldn't have been simpler ;-) WELL RECOMMENDED